Monday, July 26, 2010

Insight of the day

Insight of the day

My New Year's resolution in july : no more feature releases without unit tests.

So , I was doing an Active Record kind of entity on a project at work and with my resolution in place I'm hard at work. The funny thing is that I'm learning the Mockit framework.

The first thing I'm realizing : hey I'm learning the api by hard - and the corporate world says there's no value added with unit testing.

I'm not really really sure you need to mock the exact api but hey at least I'm following what I believe in.

Do you do that ?
If I can make hudson build the unit tests and someone else in my team will fail the build my boss is going to buy me a beer.
Double added bonus.

quote of the day

You either commit yourself as a professional racing driver that is designed to win races or you come second or you come third or you come fifth. And I'm not designed to come second or come fifth. I am designed to win.

Ayrton Senna

Sunday, July 25, 2010


De ce un blog ?

Vreau sa am un tips&tricks al meu. Fac o multime de chestii marunte dar nu le inmagazinez pe lunga durata.

Vreau sa am un mic proof of concept care sa vina in ajutorul muncii mele sau asa pentru o viitoare munca :) - mda ca un fel de CV.

Poate exista pe undeva cineva care are nevoie de ajutor - si nu asteapta sa ii pice din cer.

Cine sunt?
Un programator care crede in Code Craftsmanship, Agile , TDD, CI si printre multele ore pierdute la job mare majoritate se datoreaza lipsei celor de mai sus - daca tot veni vorba de CV chiar imi doresc sa fac parte dintr-o echipa care pune in aplicare cele de mai sus.

Ce nu imi place?
Lenea si statu pana pica ceva - in ideea ca este altcineva care sa curete codul eu trebuie doar sa ma plang. In mare parte situatiile acestea ma impiedica sa imi duc la bun sfarsit munca.

Ce este programarea ?
Pentru mine poate sa atinga si o forma de arta - altfel spus asa cum un scriitor word craftsman isi alege cuvintele la fel un bun code craftsman isi alege micile programele pentru a face ceva grandios.